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  • P.  Venkateswaran,  S. Shaw,  S. Pattanayak and  R. Nandi,  “Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks :  Some New Results on Multi-Channel Hidden Terminal Problem”, Journal  Communications &  Network,  (ISSN 1949-2421), Scientific  Research  Publishing, USA,  Vol. 4, No.4,  Nov. 2012.


  • Sandhya Pattanayak, P. Venkateswaran and R Nandi, “Artificial Intelligence Based Model for Channel Status Prediction: A New Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio”, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS), (ISSN 1913-3715), Scientific  Research Publishing, USA, Vol. 6,  No. 3,  March 2013.

  • International  Conferences:

  • S. Pattanayak, P. Venkateswaran and R Nandi,” Identification of Spectrum Holes Using ANN Model in TV Bands with AWGN”, IEEE Asia Pacific conference on Wireless and Mobile 2014, 28-30 Aug 2014,  Indonesia.


  • Sandhya Pattanayak, R Nandi,  “Identification of Spectrum Holes using ANN Model for Cognitive Radio Applications”, page no: 133-137, 2013  IEEE  EUROCON,  Faculty  of  Electrical  Engineering  and Computing,  University  of  Zagreb,  Croatia,  July  1-4, 2013 10.1109/EUROCON.2013.6624977


  •  S Pattanayak,  P. Venkateswaran,  R. Nandi, “Artificial Neural Networks for Cognitive Radio: A Preliminary Survey”,  Proc. 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing – 2012 WiCOM,  (ISBN 978-1-61284-683-5/12),   Shanghai,  China, September  21 – 23, 2012. pp1-4, doi: 10.1109/WiCOM.2012.6478438   

  • B Choudhury, S Pattanayak, A Patnaik,” Genetically Trained Neural Network Application for Fault Finding in Antenna Arrays” in IEEE-AEMC Conference- Dec 14-16 2009. Digital Object Identifier :  10.1109/AEMC.2009.5430646.

  • S. Pattanayak , B. Choudhury, and A. Patnaik, “Characterization of Planar Transmission lines using ANN,” Silver Jublee conference on Communication and VLSI Design,  CommV - 2009, Oct. 08 - 10, Vellore, India. 


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